Sunday, March 22, 2015

Women Photojournalists- Trials and Triumphs

There are so many influential women photojournalists that have allowed for women to succeed in the field of photojournalism. There have been many women that have overcome the adversity and had a great impact on the world of photojournalism. Frances Benjamin Johnson made a huge impact with the self portrait of her smoking and holding a beer. This photo helped her get the attention of others. She was part of the women's rights movement and made it possible for women to have a lot of rights that they never had before. Around the same time a very talented woman photojournalist also dealt with the struggle to fight for women's rights. Born in 1870, Jessie Tarbox Beals did very well overcoming the obstacles involved with being a woman in the field of photojournalism. I think she did well and did have a different impact as a woman just like Lynsey Addario said in her video. 

Beals was the first female American news photographer. Jessie called attention to her willingness to work outdoors and in situations generally thought too rough for a woman. She started her career as a teacher but also did part-time door to door photography. In 1902, she became a full time photojournalist. Her work as a woman was one of the first to be published. In 1904, the Buffalo newspaper sent Beals to photograph the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. There she was denied access because she was late, but then she convinced the office to let her in. She got to photograph the fairgrounds before it started. She got a lot of inspiration from photographing at the fair and many of her writings came from that. She photographed William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. She was an aggressive photographer and that created a lot of opportunity. She worked hard to make a living for herself and her family.  

She worked for two Buffalo, New York newspapers. She could not keep a steady job so her and her husband opened a studio where they photographed. She used a 50 pound camera to photograph her subjects. To photograph, she had to have a lot of strength and agility. By the time she was 58, her career as a great photographer had come to an end. She could no longer carry around the heavy camera and take the images she used to take. After being married twice and divorced twice, at the end of her life she had her daughter by her side.

Women have been discriminated in the workplace before it even became popular. As Professor Nordell explained that Marion Post Wolcott endured so many hardships at her workplace. Her male coworkers urinated in her chemicals, and had spit balls spit at her.  Today, these things do not happen often, but there is still discrimination in the workplace. Being an accounting major and having a future in the business world, I have to watch out for discrimination in the workplace. There are many more men in the business world than women, and men are often taken more seriously than women. For every dollar that a male earns, a woman only earns 78 cents.  Another good example of discrimination in the workplace is in the airline industry. Women pilots are not even allowed to announce that they are flying the plane; the co-pilot has to announce.

Photo by: Jessie Tarbox Beals 
Image Source:,-jessie-tarbox-1870-1942-54-c-nqi4h2oxs2
Year Created:1906
The shadows in the photo really draw your attention to certain parts. There is a dark shadow in the street which makes you look to see what is photographed in that certain area.  

Depth of Field: The buildings in the background of the photo really give it a lot of depth. It feels like the picture goes on for a long time and you can see far away. 

Quality of Light: The quality of light does not seem very good at first but it makes the photo look intense. The photo makes a bold statement and really draws the attention to the darkness. 

Why did I choose this image? 
I chose this first image because the photojournalist that I researched took the photo. I really thought the lighting was very interesting and the depth of the image really caught my eye. The image shows something dark and there is a lot of emotion behind it. 
Jessie Tarbox Beals (1870–1942), Grace Godwin’s Garret, Greenwich Village, ca. 1917. Gelatin silver print. New-York Historical Society
Photo by: Jessie Tarbox Beals
Image Source:
Year Created: 1917
Texture: In this image, there is a lot of texture. The walls and floors look rough, and the carvings on the wall makes the texture create feeling. It seems like the carvings on the wall are trying to tell a story. The texture of the floors and walls really make the subject and the guitar pop. 

Rule of Thirds: The main focus of the image is justified to the right. This draws your eyes to the subject sitting on a step. It also allows you to to really focus on the other details in the image. It allows the texture to be seen without the image being too busy. 

Keep it Simple: The look of this image is very simple, yet still complex. it is not too much to look at, and it conveys a lot of emotion. The picture has many textures but it is not too much because of the simplicity of the photo. 

Why did I choose this image? 
I think that the image is very interesting. Beals took this photo in Greenwich Village, where she took some of her greatest photos. The carvings on the wall really intrigued me and the subject looked very concentrated but lonely. I can tell this photo was taken a long time ago also because the clothes the subject is wearing. 

Photo by: Jessie Tarbox Beals 
Image Source:
Year Created: 1907
In focus: The image is really in focus but as you look farther and farther it becomes a little more out of focus. This helps to create depth and it really puts you where the picture was taken. It also helps to show how far the image shows. 

What feelings does the image create? This image shows abandonment. The windows look boarded up and it gives the feeling of loneliness. The cracked street also makes it seem like no one has been there for years or keeps up with the property. 

Background Compliments: The background of the photo actually completes the image and it creates the depth. The background makes the image shows so much more than if it wasn't taken that way. The road going all the way to the back creates lines for the image. 

Why did I choose this image? 
I chose this image because I wanted to show an array of photos that Beals took over her lifetime. I think that this shows a different perspective of Greenwich Village. It shows how the village was abandoned and then re-vitalized. I also really like the way the image is taken and how it makes you feel like you are standing on that street. 

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